Be CO2 Smart - Understanding Climate Change

Student Number: 31244536

Statement of Intent


Global warming is very real! It is therefore of great importance to be aware and be protective of our environment. Man-made disruptions to our ecosystems are causing extinction of many fragile sub-environments. Pollution is a real and present danger for vulnerable animals and people habitats and food supply as well as air supply. Our survival will depend on how we adapt. Awareness and Practical Education on how to live are key.


A short film/documentary is created on the importance and fragility of our environment caused by human intervention, pollution and energy creation all of which are substantially rising the globe temperature. The short film is depicting the features of our global weather system and the threats to the human habitat and its elements.

The short film consists of 3 main parts. Opening with a news report on climate change. Then the news feed is abruptly interrupted by an Artificially Intelligent machine/a Robot announcing its intention to take over the world to show the way forward the CO2 Smart way. The AI machine shows the viewer what it plans to do with the planet. Eventually in the third part, the news reporter returns, and a resolution takes place.

The film starts with a serious news report but has a comedy segment in the middle when the news report is taken over and this comedy part alludes to the subtle tragedy of the true facts. At the end, a realistic light-hearted resolution will take place.

Using a range of multimedia techniques, the short film will be 6 - 8 minutes in length. The serious news report on climate change will facilitate the showing of graphs and statistics of atmospheric processes using 2D animation as well as filming of storms, natural disasters, metropolis pollution and population effects. I will be utilising a range of techniques.

A supporting website will include the evidence of climate change, the facts and a “behind the scenes” of the making of CO2 Smart to demonstrate the skills which were required in the making of the short film. The website will enable the respondents to engage with the needs for action on Climate Change.

As the film producer and creator, I want to demonstrate a range of skills using different media types including video, animation, and images. Working on my project mostly at school where I have access to most of the required software when we have the allocated time the film shoots and other technical operating tasks have to take place outside school.

Being a light-hearted short film, I hope my video appeals to a wide range of viewers specifically for people over the age of 15. I am doing a short film because it will demonstrate the skills that I’m learning throughout the production stages. It is also my passion to be making engaging films as it keeps me engaged and interested in learning. I chose this theme as it represents a real and present danger to humanity and ma generation, and I want to keep the short film light-hearted, engaging but with a twist and humour specifically for the target market.

For this project, key camera filming equipment as well as software such as Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects for the video editing and Adobe Illustrator for the 2D characters. For this, it is important to research the copyright terms and conditions when using certain music, as well as the privacy issues to be concerned with when using stock and private footage, videos or images without the user’s consent or permission. Of course, a Gantt chart is utilised to plan my time and activities in my pre-production, production and post-production stages.

The projected outcome of the project is to not only display my skills throughout the production of the project but also to make an entertaining film documentary for my friends and family to enjoy.

In terms of a budget, I plan to keep costs to a minimum by using free software that is available for me at school as a student. Some limitations, when in the process of making the project, are time management which means to not leave all the key allocated tasks to be done at the last minute and to not underestimate the time required for post-production for tasks such as video editing, technical testing and audience testing as well as the time required to learn technical skills to handle other new programs required.

This is the right project because it utilises all my skills and it is interesting and informative for the concerned audience. The making of the video will demonstrate these skills even more clearly.

SWOT Analysis

STRENGTHS: I have a great understanding and experience with Adobe Premiere Pro, and Adobe After Effects. I also have experience in animation software including Adobe Character Animator, Adobe Animate. Logo Creation will also leverage from my strengths in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. I have a deep understanding of music for my audio background. Video making is my strength.

OPPORTUNITIES: The environmental issues represent a clear and present danger for my generation and the audience needs to listen and be informed. This presents a realistic opportunity to communicate in a creative and engaging way to the target market. A website could supplement the short film with behind the scenes component and could engage the viewers more actively into acting against climate change.

WEAKNESSES: Some limitations I may struggle with when in the process of making the project are:

  • Time management which will mean I will need to NOT leave all the key allocated tasks to be done at the last minute.
  • I will be limited by the submission date for the school and the HSC.
  • Technical skills which will mean that I would need to be up to date with my training in Adobe Premiere Pro, video editing and other programs.
  • Testing with an audience might be challenging but it is a must to test real peer group reactions before launch.

THREATS: My topic is well known but people are still not convinced, and I need to ensure I get the audience’s attention.