Be CO2 Smart - Understanding Climate Change

Student Number: 31244536


Most scientists concur on Global Warming occurring; creating ice caps to melt, Jetstream changes throughout the atmosphere, seas and oceans rising, flooding our coasts as well as cyclones and hurricanes destroying on their paths, heatwaves in most countries and some harsher winters for some nations.

Most scientists with a vast understanding of astrophysics, the Earth inclination, the seasons and the sun, concur on the cause of Global Warming originating mainly from humans polluting the atmosphere with greenhouse gases mostly CO2, whilst trying to power themselves, creating electricity burning fossil fuels such as coal.

Higher temperatures, climate refugees, as well as asthma, allergies and rodents are what we can look forward to with global Warming and Climate changing.

The World Health Organisation forecasts many health issues as a consequence of climate change as warmer temperatures will bring rodents and diseases, pollution will bring asthma and floods and droughts will bring famine.

Increase in CO2 concentration over years

CO2 Contributors

Health Effect Animation flowchart

The US and Europe are the largest polluters per capita.

The EU has agreed to decarbonise by 2050 at the Paris Agreements.

Glaciers Melting

Rising Oceans