Be CO2 Smart - Understanding Climate Change

Student Number: 31244536
This website explains the facts, the evidence, the key concerns and the vital signs of our planet through some key research. The website also goes behind the scenes of the famous video “Be CO2 Smart” and the challenges faced by the producer. This website will also allow responders to get involved through Merchandise and Contact us.
Smoke polluting the air

Climate change is a clear and present danger to humanity which rightly demands swift and decisive global actions. The level of climate-warming, dominant “greenhouse gas”, the carbon dioxide (CO2) in our Earth’s atmosphere is forecasted to rise by a record amount in 2019 (415 ppm - May 2019), according to various scientists.

Concentration Levels of CO2 have never been as high for the past 3 to 5 million years, when the global temperature was 2 to 3 degrees Celsius warmer and the sea level was 10 to 20 metres higher.

Burning Fossil Fuels extensively to produce electricity for the powering of our cities and homes but also for travelling and farming, has warmed up our planet faster than ever by one degree in the past 100 years* and this is causing Heatwaves, Fires, Droughts, Hurricanes, Cyclones and Floods, Melting Ice caps in the Arctic and Antarctic and Rising seas as well as Colder European Winters.

These climate impacts are being felt all around the world and are on track to get much worse. Warming up the Earth, a tenth of a degree every year does matter and it needs to be stopped. The next few years say by 2050 is the last chance we have to steer the world in a safer direction. But stopping global warming requires dramatic changes to how we power our homes and factories and build our cities to how we feed our families and travel.

The world governments, countries and businesses, must pull together and make the deep structural economic societal shifts and the interventions required. One thing is for sure the countries have to act together for the globe.

The global policy makers must make sure that every decision aligns with our Earth’s long-term temperature goals so that every human can benefit from a safer environment and climate, hence the Paris Agreement on climate change to decarbonise.

Many organisations are appointed to support the governments such as;

  • "Climate Watch" who offers data analysis to help governments and researchers better understand climate change.
  • "Science Based Targets" who helps large businesses set carbon footprints and climate targets.
  • "Greenhouse Gas Protocol" who helps entities report on their greenhouse gas emissions.

* According to an ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASA.